Green's function (part II)

Math  DFT 

Like I have said in :link: my post about the classical Green’s function:

Green’s function method is a way to decompose a complex inhomogenous source using Dirac delta functions and then combine individually solutions to obtain the true answer.

This time, let’s take a look of the quantum version in the first quantization formalism.

In its time-dependent form, the Schrodinger’s equation reads:

itΨ(r,t)=H^Ψ(r,t),(1)i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \Psi (\vec r, t) = \hat H \Psi(\vec r, t) \tag{1},

where the Hamiltonian operator $\hat H$ is $-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2 + V(\vec r, t)$.

Write the Schordinger’s equation in full:

itΨ(r,t)=[22m2+V(r,t)]Ψ(r,t).(2)i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \Psi (\vec r, t) = \left[-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2 + V(\vec r, t)\right] \Psi(\vec r, t) \tag{2}.

Now, this doesn’t look like a linear inhomogeneous equation that we’re used to in the classical Green’s function formulation. However, we can re-write it to the following form:

[it+22m2]Ψ(r,t)=V(r,t)Ψ(r,t)H^Ψ(r,t)=g(r,t).(3)\begin{aligned} \left[i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} +\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2\right] \Psi (\vec r, t) &= V(\vec r, t) \Psi(\vec r, t)\\ \hat H \Psi (\vec r, t) &= g(\vec r, t). \end{aligned} \tag{3}

which looks much like the linear inhomogeneous equation we are after. With only one exception being that the inhomogeneous source $g(\vec r, t)$ is $\Psi(\vec r, t)$ dependent. We can solve this, but we need a recursive solution to find $\Psi(\vec r, t)$.

Or, with Greens function, instead, we can solve the following inhomogeneous equations:

[it+22m2]G(r,t;r,t)=δ(rr)δ(tt).\begin{aligned} \left[i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} +\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2\right] G(\vec r, t;\vec r',t') &= \delta(\vec r -\vec r')\delta(t - t'). \end{aligned}

Assuming $V$ is time-independent, we have energy conservation, hence the time-evolution operator $\mathcal{T} e^{-i/\hbar \int_{t’}^{t} \hat H \cdot t dt} = e^{-i/\hbar \hat H (t-t’)}$, where $\mathcal{T}$ is the time ordering operator. We can use this time-evolution operator instead of integrate over $\delta (t-t)$ to transform the inhomogenous source $\Psi(\vec r, t)$,

[it+22m2]G(r,t;r,t)=δ(rr)eiH^(tt),(4)\begin{aligned} \left[i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} +\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2\right] G(\vec r, t;\vec r',t') &= \delta(\vec r -\vec r') e^{-i\frac{\hat H}{\hbar} (t-t')}, \end{aligned} \tag{4}

if we multiply $\Psi(\vec r’, t’)$ to both side and integrate over $r’$:

[it+22m2]G(r,t;r,t)Ψ(r,t)dr=δ(rr)eiH^(tt)Ψ(r,t)dr=Ψ(r,t).(4.1)\begin{aligned} \int \left[i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} +\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2\right] G(\vec r, t;\vec r',t') \Psi(\vec r', t') d \vec r' &= \int \delta(\vec r -\vec r') e^{-i\frac{\hat H}{\hbar} (t-t')} \Psi(\vec r', t') d \vec r'\\ &= \Psi(\vec r, t). \tag{4.1} \end{aligned}

Eq. 4.1 solves the Eq. 3 when $V(\vec r, t) = 1$:

[it+22m2]Ψ(r,t)=Ψ(r,t)(4.2)\left[i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} +\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2\right] \Psi (\vec r, t) = \Psi(\vec r, t) \tag{4.2}

Comparing Eq. 4.1 to Eq. 4.2, we see that $\Psi(\vec r, t)$ can be found by:

Ψ(r,t)=G(r,t;r,t)Ψ(r,t)d3r.(5)\Psi(\vec r,t) = \int G(\vec r, t;\vec r',t') \Psi(\vec r',t') d^3 r'. \tag{5}

Notice that in Eq. 5, the solution is also present in the integral which suggests we still need a recursive or iterative method to obtain the answer, but it should be much simpler than the original problem.

Taking a good look at Eq. 5, we see that $G(\vec r, t;\vec r’,t’)$ links $\Psi (\vec r’, t’)$ to $\Psi (\vec r, t)$, effectively, propagates the wavefunction from one state to another. Note that propagation implies $t > t’$, i.e. $t$ is a time later then $t’$ and it is because of this $\mathcal{T}$ is dropped in Eq. 4.

To further clarify this propagation, recall that due to energy conservation, using again the time evolution operator $U(t,t’) = e^{-\frac{i}{\hbar}H(t-t’)}$. Expanding the wavefunction in the position representation as: $\Psi(\vec r, t) = \braket{\vec r \vert \Psi(t)}$, we can re-express the wavefunction at position $\vec r$ and time $t$ as:

Ψ(r,t)=reiH(tt)Ψ(t)\Psi(\vec r, t) = \bra{\vec r} e^{-\frac{i}{\hbar}H(t-t')} \Psi(t')

Inserting the closure relation of the position operator $\int \ket{\vec r’}\bra{\vec r’} d^3 r’ = \mathcal{1}$:

Ψ(r,t)=reiH(tt)rrΨ(t)d3r.(6)\Psi(\vec r, t) = \int \bra{\vec r}e^{-\frac{i}{\hbar}H(t-t')}\ket{\vec r'} \bra{\vec r'} \Psi(t') d^3 r'. \tag{6}

Comparing Eq. 6 to Eq. 5, we see that:

G(r,t;r,t)=reiH(tt)r=reiH(t)eiH(t)r=r,tr,t.(7)\begin{aligned} G(\vec r, t;\vec r',t') &= \bra{\vec r}e^{-\frac{i}{\hbar}H(t-t')}\ket{\vec r'}\\ &= \bra{\vec r}e^{-\frac{i}{\hbar}H(t)} \cdot e^{\frac{i}{\hbar}H(t')} \ket{\vec r'}\\ &= \braket{\vec r, t\vert\vec r', t'}. \end{aligned} \tag{7}

From Eq. 7, we see that we have associated the Green’s function to the probability amplitude of preparing the particle in a state $\ket{\vec r’, t’}$ and later find that that particle in state $\bra{\vec r, t}$.

To give these “states” (which are actually operators) meaning, we need to insert another closure relation: $\sum_n \ket{n}\bra{n} = \mathcal{1}$ where $\ket{n}$ and $\bra{n}$ are eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian. With the closure relation inserted, the Green’s function reads:

G(r,t;r,t)=nreiH(tt)nnrG(\vec r, t;\vec r',t') = \sum_n \bra{\vec r} e^{-\frac{i}{\hbar}H(t-t')} \ket{n}\braket{n\vert\vec r'}

since the Hamiltonian $\hat H$ acts on the eigenvectors and gives us the eigenvalues $E_n$, also noting that acting the position operator $\bra{r}$ on the eigenvectors $\ket{n}$ gives us the eigenfunctions $\psi_n(r)$, we have:

G(r,t;r,t)=nrnnreiEn(tt)=nψn(r)ψn(r)eiEn(tt).\begin{aligned} G(\vec r, t;\vec r',t') &= \sum_n \braket{\vec r \vert n}\braket{n\vert\vec r'} e^{-\frac{i}{\hbar}E_n(t-t')}\\ &= \sum_n \psi_n(\vec r) \psi_n^*(\vec r') e^{-\frac{i}{\hbar}E_n(t-t')}. \end{aligned}

Remembering that we have implicitly set $t > t’$ for this relation and for this propagator, if $t<t’$ things should equals to $0$. If we don’t constrain the time ordering, then we would arrived at :link: a kernal function for both retarded and advanced Green’s function. To achieve time ordering, we insert a Heaviside step function $\Theta$ into the expression:

G(r,t;r,t)=Θ(tt)nψn(r)ψn(r)eiEn(tt).(8)\begin{aligned} G(\vec r, t;\vec r',t') &= \Theta(t-t') \sum_n \psi_n(\vec r) \psi_n^*(\vec r') e^{-\frac{i}{\hbar}E_n(t-t')}. \tag{8} \end{aligned}

This is called the retarded Green’s function and it satisfies Eq. 4 and can be used to construct our general solution to Eq. 1 (again, assuming $\hat H$ is time-independent since we did so to derive this solution by assuming $V(\vec r, t) = 1$. However, we can generalize it to time-dependent situation by introducing time-dependence by changing the time-evolution operator to $e^{-i/\hbar \int_{t’}^{t} \hat H t dt}$ so that $E_n$ is time-dependence in the end).

Fourier transforming this Green’s function from time-domain to frequency domain, we get:

F[G(r,t;r,t)](r,r,E)=Θ(tt)nψn(r)ψn(r)eiEn(tt)eiE(tt)d(tt)=0nψn(r)ψn(r)eiEnteiEtdt=nψn(r)ψn(r)0ei(EEn)tdt(9)\begin{aligned} \mathcal{F}[G(\vec r, t;\vec r',t')](\vec r, \vec r', E) &= \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \Theta(t-t') \sum_n \psi_n(\vec r) \psi_n^*(\vec r') e^{-i\frac{E_n}{\hbar}(t-t')} e^{i \frac{E}{\hbar}}(t-t') d(t-t')\\ &= \int_{0}^{\infty} \sum_n \psi_n(\vec r) \psi_n^*(\vec r') e^{-i E_n\textbf{t}} e^{i E\textbf{t}} d\textbf{t}\\ &= \sum_n \psi_n(\vec r) \psi_n^*(\vec r') \int_{0}^{\infty} e^{i(E-E_n)\textbf{t}} d\textbf{t} \tag{9} \end{aligned}

where $\textbf{t} = \frac{t-t’}{\hbar}$.

Now, let’s insert $e^{-\eta \textbf{t}}$ in to Eq. 9 where $\eta$ is a positive infinitesimal quantity. We can do this because the value of $e^{-\eta \textbf{t}}$ goes to $1$ as $\eta \rightarrow 0^+$ (alternatively, check out :link: this post of how to properly Fourier transform Heaviside step functions). And then Fourier transform Eq. 9:

F[G(r,t;r,t)](r,r,E)=nψn(r)ψn(r)0ei(EEn)teηtdt=G(r,r,E)=nψn(r)ψn(r)0ei(EEn+iη)tdt=nψn(r)ψn(r)ei(EEn)teηtt=0t=i(EEn+iη)=nψn(r)ψn(r)1i(EEn+iη)=nψn(r)ψn(r)i1(EEn+iη)(10)\begin{aligned} \mathcal{F}[G(\vec r, t;\vec r',t')](\vec r, \vec r', E) &= \sum_n \psi_n(\vec r) \psi_n^*(\vec r') \int_{0}^{\infty} e^{i(E-E_n)\textbf{t}} e^{-\eta \textbf{t}} d\textbf{t}\\ =G(\vec r, \vec r', E)&= \sum_n \psi_n(\vec r) \psi_n^*(\vec r') \int_{0}^{\infty} e^{i(E-E_n+i\eta)\textbf{t}} d\textbf{t}\\ &= \sum_n \psi_n(\vec r) \psi_n^*(\vec r') \frac{e^{i(E-E_n)\textbf{t}} e^{-\eta \textbf{t}} |_{\textbf{t}=0}^{\textbf{t}=\infty}}{i(E-E_n+i\eta)}\\ &= \sum_n \psi_n(\vec r) \psi_n^*(\vec r') \frac{-1}{i(E-E_n+i\eta)}\\ &= \sum_n \psi_n(\vec r) \psi_n^*(\vec r') i\frac{1}{(E-E_n+i\eta)} \tag{10} \end{aligned}

From Eq. 9, We see that when there are poles (divergences) when the energy matches the eigenvalue $E_n$.

To write the whole thing in Dirac’s bra-ket notation and expand this in eigenvector basis

G(E)kl=kG(E)l=niknnlEEn+iη(11)G(E)_{kl}=\braket{k | G(E) | l} = \sum_n i \frac{\braket{k \vert n} \braket{n \vert l}}{E-E_n+i\eta} \tag{11}

Second quantization version, coming soon!

Examples, coming soon!

Author | Chengcheng Xiao

Currently a postdoctoral research associate at Imperial College London. Predicting electron behaviour since 2016.