The first file is a general tutorial for people who are not used to ASE.
The second file is a small file that explains how to use the ONETEP interface
with ASE.
Below is the documentation for the ONETEP interface in ASE, as plan to be
included in the ASE documentation.
ONETEP is a linear-scaling density functional theory code which exploit the
near-sightness of the electronic density. It uses a set of atom-centered local
orbitals (denoted NGWFs) which are optimised in situ to enable calculations
with a minimal number of orbitals.
This interface makes it possible to use ONETEP as a calculator in ASE.
You need to have a copy of the ONETEP code (and an appropriate license) to use
this interface.
The environment variable ASE_ONETEP_COMMAND must hold the command
to invoke the ONETEP calculation. The variable must be a string with a link
to the ONETEP binary, and any other specific settings required for your
environment (srun, mpirun, ...)
You can setup this environment variable in your shell configuration file:
ASE will automatically redirect stdout and stderr to the appropriate
files, namely "\(LABEL.out" and "\)LABEL.err" where label is the name
used for your ONETEP calculations
ONETEP accepts PAW datasets in the abinit format, and NCP pseudpotentials with formats
USP and recpot. Support has recently been added for the upf format, for both PAW and NCPP potentials. Pseudopotentials are passed directly to the Onetep calculator
as a dictionary definition. If no pseudopotentials are passed ASE will
try to guess the files based on the element used and the pseudo_path variable.
# Explicitly providing each path
calc = Onetep(pseudopotentials = {'H': '/path/to/pseudos/H.usp', 'O': '/path/to/pseudos/O.usp'})
# Using pseudo_path
calc = Onetep(pseudo_path = '/path/to/pseudos', pseudopotentials = {'H': 'H.usp', 'O': 'O.usp'})
# ASE will try to guess them
calc = Onetep(pseudo_path = '/path/to/pseudos')
For ASE to correctly guess the pseudopotentials, it is best to use a pseudo_path that contains only one pseudopotential file for each element.
Simple calculations can be setup calling the Onetep calculator without any parameters,
in this case ONETEP's default parameters will be used. For more complex cases using the
keywords parameters is necessary. The 'keywords' parameters is a dictionary, in which each of the keys is a string that should be a ONETEP keyword, and the corresponding value is what you want to set that keyword to in the input.
Here is an example python script which sets up a calculation on a water molecule:
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fromase.buildimportmoleculefromase.calculators.onetepimportOnetepfromosimportenviron# water molecule from ASE database, centered in a ~ 24 Å boxwat=molecule('H2O')["ASE_ONETEP_COMMAND"]="export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8; mpirun -n 2 ~/onetep/bin/onetep.arch"# Ouput will be in "water.out"calc=Onetep(label='water',xc='PBE',paw=True,pseudo_path='/path/to/pseudos')wat.calc=calcwat.get_potential_energy()
Here is a more complex example, this time setting up a Pt13 cluster and running a geometry optimisation on 64 cores:
fromosimportenvironimportnumpyasnpfromase.buildimportmoleculefromase.calculators.onetepimportOnetepfromase.clusterimportOctahedronfromase.optimize.scioptimportSciPyFminBFGS# Pt13 from ase.clusternano=Octahedron('Pt',3,1)nano.set_cell(np.eye(3)*12)'pt13'environ["ASE_ONETEP_COMMAND"]="export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8; mpirun -n 8 ~/onetep/bin/onetep.arch"# ONETEP default are atomic units, one can specify 'cutoff_energy' : '600 eV' if needed.keywords={'xc':'rpbe','do_properties':True,'cutoff_energy':35,'output_detail':'verbose','elec_energy_tol':1.0e-5/len(atoms),}# Ouput will be in "pt13.out", # append = True will not overwrite file at each stepcalc=Onetep(label=label,edft=True,append=True,pseudo_path='/path/to/pseudos',keywords=keywords)nanoparticle.calc=calcopt=SciPyFminBFGS(atoms=nano,trajectory=label+".traj",logfile=label+".log")
Here is an example of setting up an EELS and LDOS calculation on an N-substituted graphene sheet,
demonstrating several more advanced functionalities (eg tags, species groups, and overrides to
pseudopotentials and atomic solver strings):
importnumpyasnpfromase.buildimportgraphene_nanoribbonfromase.calculators.onetepimportOnetepfromase.ioimportwritefromnumpy.linalgimportnormfromnumpy.randomimportchoicesheet=graphene_nanoribbon(10,10,type='zigzag',vacuum=10)# Get all distances to center of masscom=sheet.get_center_of_mass()distances_to_com=norm(sheet.positions-com,axis=1)# Find atoms close to com and change one randomly to Np,=np.where(distances_to_com<5)to_nitro=choice(p)sheet[to_nitro].symbol='N'shell_rad=np.array([1.5,2.5,3.0,4.0,4.5])tags=np.zeros(len(sheet),dtype=np.int32)# We want to tag atoms that are close to the introduced nitrogenforidx,radinenumerate(reversed(shell_rad)):# All distances N-Cdist=norm(sheet[to_nitro].position-sheet.get_positions(),axis=1)# Which ones are closest to rad?p,=np.where(dist<rad)# Cannot be the nitrogen itselfp=p[p!=to_nitro]# Tags themtags[p]=len(shell_rad)-idxsheet.set_tags(tags)tags=[''ifi==0elseiforiintags]species=np.unique(np.char.add(sheet.get_chemical_symbols(),tags))keywords={'species_core_wf':['N /path/to/pseudo/corehole.abinit'],'species_solver':['N SOLVE conf=1s1 2p4'],'pseudo_path':'/Users/tomdm/PseudoPotentials/SSSP_1.2.1','xc':'PBE','paw':True,'do_properties':True,'cutoff_energy':'500 eV','species_ldos_groups':species,'task':'GeometryOptimization'}calc=Onetep(label='N_doped_graphene_001',keywords=keywords)# Checking the input before running the calculationwrite('to_check.dat',sheet,format='onetep-in',keywords=keywords)sheet.calc=calc# Will actually run the geometry optimisation# using ONETEP internal BFGSsheet.get_potential_energy()
Quickly restart with solvation effect using the soft sphere model
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920212223 Read from the previous run...optimized_sheet=read("N_doped_graphene_001.out")# Function to retrieve keywords dict from input file...keywords=get_onetep_keywords('N_doped_graphene_001.dat')# We add solvation keywordskeywords.update({'is_implicit_solvent':True,'is_include_apolar':True,'is_smeared_ion_rep':True,'is_dielectric_model':'fix_cavity','is_dielectric_function':'soft_sphere'})optimized_sheet.calc=Onetep(...)...