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Tutorial 1: Simple ONETEP Calculations

Version: all versions Nicholas D.M. Hine; Chris-Kriton Skylaris

Input files

Setting up a ONETEP job involves creating a main input file with the suffix .dat (e.g., your_system.dat) which contains all the required information to describe both the system and the parameters of the job.

This requires the user to provide input in the form of keywords and blocks. Keywords are written in the form:

keyword: value [unit]
For example, to specify that the task we wish the code to perform is a Single-Point energy calculation, we would add:
task : SinglePoint
to our input file.


Capitalisation in the input file is irrelevant.

If we wish to specify a cutoff energy of 500 eV for our standard grid, we would add:

cutoff_energy : 500.0 eV
The value in eV’s will be converted internally to atomic units (Eh in this case). If a keyword is not specified in the input file, it is given a default value which is intended to work across a broad range of systems. A full list of keywords and blocks, giving their meaning, syntax and default values, can be found on the 🔗 ONETEP keyowrd database.

Blocks are used to define the values of input parameters which need to contain multiple records, such as the definition of the unit cell. They take the form:

%block blockname
a1 a2 a3
b1 b2 b3

%endblock blockname
Most blocks tend not to have a meaningful default value, and must be specified if the related functionality is to be used. Comments can be added to input files using the #or! characters. Anything after these characters on a given line will be ignored.

Setting up the Input File

We will start by running a simple job on a silane molecule SiH\(_4\). Create a working directory in which to run ONETEP:

> mkdir silane
> cd silane
Create a new input file called silane.dat in your favourite text editor e.g.
> vi silane.dat
You might like to put a comment at the top explaining what this input file is for e.g.
! Simple ONETEP input file for a silane molecule

The first thing is to specify the simulation cell. The simplest choice is a cubic box with sides of about 40.0 Bohr. Enter the 3-component cell vectors, one per line, between the %block lattice_cart and %endblock lattice_cart keywords.

%block lattice_cart
40.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 40.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 40.0
%endblock lattice_cart

Second, the atomic species need to be specified, in this case silicon and hydrogen. This information needs to be provided between %block species and %endblock species keywords. In this block, we need to specify five pieces of information per species, separated by spaces (click on the + button to see the meaning of each piece):

%block species
!(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
  Si  Si  14  4   6.0
  H   H   1   1   6.0
%endblock species
  1. Your symbol for the atomic species (this can be the same as the element symbol)
  2. The element symbol itself
  3. The atomic number Z
  4. The number of NGWFs per atom
  5. The NGWF radius.

The number of NGWFs required can usually be judged from the symmetry of the atomic orbitals involved: In this case four for silicon and one for hydrogen will be adequate (can you think why?). For this molecule, 6.0 Bohr should be a reasonable starting point for the NGWF radii.

Each atomic species in our calculation needs a pseudopotential file. The pseudopotential files are specified between %block species_pot and %endblock species_pot keywords. You can use the hydrogen.recpot and silicon.recpot files from the ONETEP pseudopotentials pseudo directory. Copy them to your working directory now (or make a symbolic link using ln -s source destination).

%block species_pot
Si    "PATH/TO/pseudo/silicon.recpot"
H     "PATH/TO/pseudo/hydrogen.recpot" !(1)!
%endblock species_pot
  1. Remember to change PATH/TO to the correct path to your potential files.

Next, we need to specify the atomic positions, between %block positions_abs and %endblock positions_abs keywords. There is one line per atom. Remember to use your symbol for the atomic species as defined in the species block. The coordinates are assumed to be given in Bohr unless specified otherwise. While it is not requirement in ONETEP that all the atoms should lie within the simulation cell, it is best (for visualisation purposes) to start by placing the silicon atom at the centre of the cell. For SiH4, we can write:

%block positions_abs
Si 20.0000 20.0000 20.0000
H  22.2535 21.5935 20.0000
H  17.7465 21.5935 20.0000
H  20.0000 18.4065 22.2535
H  20.0000 18.4065 17.7465
%endblock positions_abs


Fig.1: structure of a SiH4 molecule.

The last essential parameter to specify is the kinetic energy cutoff parameter for the PSINC basis set. A reasonable value to start with is 300 eV. Use the cutoff_energy keyword and remember to specify the energy unit as well as the value.

cutoff_energy        : 300 eV

Running the Job

Assuming the executable of ONETEP is located at ~/ONETEP/bin/onetep, we can now run our job with:

~/ONETEP/bin/onetep silane | tee silane.out
Examine the output: if you have followed these instructions it should converge very quickly (8 iterations) to a total energy of around -6.1897 Eh.


Just as in any form of traditional DFT, we must ensure that our calculation results are converged with respect to the size of the basis. In ONETEP, convergence with basis size is controlled by a small number of parameters, with respect to which the total energy is variational. In this context, that means the total energy at a given value of the parameter will be an upper bound to the true, converged total energy, and increasing the parameter will monotonically decrease the total energy, which asymptotically tends to its converged value.

Cutoff Energy

The first parameter will be familiar to anyone who has carried out plane-wave DFT calculations: the cutoff energy. This specifies the kinetic energy of the maximum G-vector of the reciprocal-space grid, and therefore the spacing of the real-space grid. With a 40 Bohr cell and a 300eV cutoff, ONETEP will have chosen a 48\(\times\)48\(\times\)48 grid, hence a grid spacing of 0.833 Bohr. This may be too coarse: move your old output file to a new name (e.g., SiH4.out_Ec300) and try changing the cutoff energy to 500eV, then re-run the job script. You may wish to add output_detail: VERBOSE to your input file, to see exactly what grids are being used at each cutoff.

Comparing the two outputs, you should see that the total energy has decreased by around 0.03Eh (nearly 1eV, or 0.2 eV/atom). This suggests 300 eV was too low initially. Try increasing the cutoff in steps of 100 eV (You may wish to automate this, by having a loop in your job script in which the input file is updated and the job run for each update, if you are sufficiently familiar with bash scripting)

Plot the total energy (\(E_T\)) as a function of cutoff energy. You should see a monotonic decrease in ET as a function of \(E_{cut}\): try to evaluate at what value you think the total energy is converged to about 0.1 eV/atom of its asymptotic limit. Note that the calculation time increases rapidly with cutoff energy, because the number of grid points in each FFTbox is growing rapidly with cutoff energy, and thus each FFT takes longer, so do not try going beyond around 1200 eV.

In few cases in reality do we require strict convergence of the total energy. It is more usual that we require convergence of some measurable quantity such as a binding energy, which is based on energy differences. In that case, we do not require the total energy to be converged, only the difference between total energies of very similar systems. This may converge much faster than the total energy itself, presuming the same species are present in both systems. Always consider what it is that you need converging before you start running enormous calculations!

NGWF radius

Next, we will investigate convergence with respect to the NGWF radius. Pick a value of cutoff energy for which you can perform reasonably fast calculations (say, 500.0 eV) and try increasing the NGWF radius from 6.0 to 10.0 in 1.0 Bohr steps. Plot the total energy against NGWF radius. Again, you should see a monotonic decrease. Note that above 6.0 Bohr the FFT box is as large as the simulation cell, in a larger cell this would keep growing, and the calculation time would increase rapidly. Also, you should notice that the number of NGWF Conjugate Gradients iterations grows with the size of the localisation region, this is natural since with larger spheres there are more NGWF coefficients to simultaneously optimise. You may also wish to try converging with respect to the number of NGWFs per atom (eg try 9 NGWFs on the Silicon). In some systems, notably crystalline solids, this can be crucial to achieving good convergence of the NGWFs themselves.


  • add example script to do this.
  • add plots.

Kernel Cutoff

This SiH\(_4\) system is too small to investigate convergence with respect to the cutoff of the density kernel. In larger systems truncation of the density kernel can be a good way to speed up the calculation. Indeed, asymptotically it is only by truncating the kernel that true 'linear-scaling' behaviour of the computational effort will be observed.

The kernel cutoff is controlled by the kernel_cutoff keyword. This defaults to 1000 Bohr (i.e. effectively infinite). Density kernel truncation should be used with a degree of caution: generally speaking, one would want to be able to run a full calculation for a fairly large system first, with an infinite cutoff, to establish a known baseline. Then, try decreasing the kernel cutoff from that point and see what the effect is on the total energy, on the level of NGWF convergence (as measured by the NGWF RMS gradient), and on the computation time. If significant time savings can be achieved without trading in too much accuracy, it may be worthwhile to bring down the cutoff for all similar calculations. Proceed with care, though as calculations with a truncated kernel tend to converge in a less stable manner.


  • add plots to illustrate the density matrix and the cutoff.
  • add example script to do this.
  • add plots for eonvergence.